“Human being is designed to grow. And a caterpillar is not supposed to die as a caterpillar.” – Robert Kegan
A well-crafted reflective question can inspire people to grow in new directions. Sharing your personal growth journey not only helps you consolidate your inner change, but also encourages others to embark on their own growth journey.
Reflect on this
“If I were to develop one skill from the IDG framework, which one would probably make the biggest difference in my life.”
Record your answer
Write down or self-video your reflection in a short clip as a reminder
Join the Movement of Inner Growth (MIG)
Help to spread the influence and important of inner growth by joining the Movement of Inner Growth and sharing your self-reflection write up and / or video with us or at your social media platform.
For enquiry : [email protected] / (852) 9865 0343 (Whatsapp)
Here are some clips to inspire you:
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